Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

empasiprubart (ARGX-117) Development

Mechanism of Action

empasiprubart is a differentiated therapeutic mAb targeting C2 equipped with our proprietary NHANCE™ mutations. By addressing a novel target at the intersection of the complement and lectin pathways of the complement cascade, we believe empasiprubart represents a broad pipeline opportunity across several severe autoimmune indications. Activation of the classical and lectin pathway of complement may contribute to tissue damage and organ dysfunction in a number of autoimmune inflammatory diseases and ischemia-reperfusion conditions. Targeting C2 also leaves the alternative pathway of the complement system intact, which is an important component of the innate defense system.

empasiprubart exhibits both pH- and calcium dependent binding. These unique characteristics enable empasiprubart to capture free C2 in circulation and release it in the endosome to be sorted for degradation in the lysosome. empasiprubart is equipped with NHANCE™ mutations increasing its affinity for FcRn and allowing it to recycle back into circulation to capture more C2.

In addition to an IV formulation, we have exclusive access to Halozyme’s ENHANZE® SC drug delivery technology for the C2 target.

Features of ARGX-117 antibody targeting (graphic)
Figure 3: LEFT: empasiprubart exhibits both pH- and calcium dependent target binding. RIGHT: empasiprubart is equipped with NHANCE™ mutations increasing its affinity for FcRn at acidic pH and allowing it to recycle back into circulation.

empasiprubart Indications



MMN is a debilitating neuromuscular autoimmune disorder that is characterized by slowly progressive muscle weakness due to motor neuron degeneration. It mainly affects hands and forearms, mainly in males, and the median age of diagnosis is around 40 years. Diagnosis takes about a year and a half and is often misdiagnosed as ALS. There are estimated to be around 13,000 patients with MMN in the U.S. and this number is increasing.

Specific pathophysiologic characteristics of MMN include the presence of IgM autoantibodies against the ganglioside GM1 and conduction block, i.e., impaired propagation of action potentials along the axon. GM1 is widely expressed in the nervous system by neurons, particularly around the nodes of Ranvier, and Schwann cells.

IVIg is the only approved treatment for MMN and needs to be dosed frequently to address the disease’s progressive nature.

Phase 2 POC ARDA Clinical Trial

The Phase 2 POC ARDA clinical trial was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled multicenter clinical trial to evaluate the safety and tolerability, efficacy, PK, PD, and immunogenicity of two dose regimens of empasiprubart in adults with MMN. The primary endpoint was safety and tolerability. Additional endpoints included time to IVIg retreatment, biomarker analyses of C2 levels, and changes in measurements on key functional scores (modified medical research council –10 sum score, grip strength, MMN-RODS as well as several patient-reported quality of life outcome measures (fatigue severity score (FSS), chronic acquired polyneuropathy patient-reported index (CAP-PRI), and values of the patient global impression change scale).

At the start of the year argenx announced positive data from the first cohort (n=16) of the Phase 2 POC ARDA clinical trial which was confirmed with the results of the second cohort (n=16) in July 2024, establishing POC in MMN. empasiprubart demonstrated a 91% reduction in the need for IVIg rescue compared to placebo [HR (95% CI) = 0.09 (0.02; 0.44)] in cohort 1 and a 84% reduction in the need for IVIg rescue compared to placebo [HR (95% CI) = 0.16 (0.02; 1.54)] in cohort 2.

Based on these results argenx initiated the EMPASSION Phase 3 clinical trial evaluating empasiprubart in MMN at the end of 2024.

Phase 3 EMPASSION Clinical Trial Design

A Phase 3, randomized,double-blinded, double-dummy clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety ofempasiprubartversus intravenous immunoglobulin in adults with multifocal motor neuropathy. The clinical trial comprises a screening period of up to 15 weeks, including a minimum of 2 IVIg cycles; a 24-week (6-month), randomized, double-blinded, double-dummy treatment period (part A) evaluating the efficacy and safety of empasiprubart vs IVIg continuation; a 24-month OLE period (part B); and a 15-month safety follow-up period starting after the last dose of IMP. The primary objective is to demonstrate the efficacy of empasiprubart compared to IVIg in improving functional ability. This will be measured by change from baseline in the 25-item MMN-RODS centile score at week 24. Additional key secondary endpoints include changes in measurements on key functional scores (modified medical research council –14 sum score, grip strength) as well as patient-reported quality of life outcome measures (polyneuropathy patient-reported index, and values of the patient global impression change scale and evaluation of manual dexterity using 9HPT.



DGF, a complication after kidney transplantation, is defined as the need for dialysis in the first week after transplant. DGF occurs in up to 40% of patients receiving a deceased donor graft, and is associated with worse long-term transplant outcomes. DGF is often the clinical representation of ischemia reperfusion injury, in which the classical and lectin complement pathways play an important role, as shown by compelling evidence from both (in-house) in vitro and in vivo preclinical, and clinical trials. There are currently no approved therapies to reduce DGF risk. Furthermore, there is a well-established process to measure kidney function and DGF, and to establish POC and achieve registration. On this basis, combined with the significant unmet medical need, we have chosen DGF after kidney transplantation as second indication for empasiprubart.

Phase 2 POC VARVARA Clinical Trial

The Phase 2 POC VARVARA clinical trial was initiated in 2023 and is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of empasiprubart in improving allograft function in recipients at risk for DGF. The clinical trial will include approximately 102 recipients of an at-risk deceased donor kidney. After a short screening period of < 24 hours, patients are randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive two doses of empasiprubart IV or placebo, of which one dose is administered during transplantation and one a week later. Participants receive standardized background induction and maintenance immunosuppression. They are evaluated for 52 weeks, with one additional safety follow-up visit in week 64. The primary endpoint is the estimated glomerular filtration rate at six months. Key secondary endpoints include DGF risk, safety, and PK, PD and immunogenicity.



Please refer to Section 1.3.3 “efgartigimod Indications” (Myositis) for more information on DM. 

Phase 2 POC EMPACIFIC Clinical Trial

The EMPACIFIC clinical trial is a Phase 2 POC, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of multiple dose regimens of IV empasiprubart in adults with DM. A total of 56 adult participants with a clinical diagnosis of DM and active muscle disease will be randomized (1:1:1:1) to one of four treatment arms (three empasiprubart dose regimens and one placebo arm). Participants will receive loading doses on days 1 and 8, followed by maintenance doses every four weeks until the end of the 52-week treatment phase. The primary objective is to evaluate safety and tolerability. The secondary objective is to evaluate clinical efficacy, using the mean TIS at weeks 13, 25, and 52 as endpoint.



Please refer to Section 1.3.3. “efgartigimod Indications“ (CIDP) for more information on CIDP.

Phase 3 EMVIGORATE Clinical Trial

In July 2024, we announced our plan to start a head-to-head Phase 3 development of empasiprubart versus IVIg in CIDP in 1H 2025.