Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
- 1. General Information about the Company
- 2. Material Accounting Policy Information
- 3. Critical accounting judgments and major sources of estimation uncertainty
- 4. Property, Plant and Equipment
- 5. Intangible Assets
- 6. Other Non-Current Assets
- 7. Inventories
- 8. Prepaid Expenses (Current)
- 9. Trade and Other Receivables
- 10. Financial Assets – Current
- 11. Cash and Cash Equivalents
- 12. Share Capital and Share Premium
- 13. Share-Based Payments
- 14. Trade and Other Payables
- 15. Collaboration Revenue
- 16. Other Operating Income
- 17. Segment Reporting
- 18. Research and Development Expenses
- 19. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
- 20. Personnel Expenses
- 21. Leases
- 22. Financial Result and Exchange Gains/(Losses)
- 23. Income taxes
- 24. Earnings per Share
- 25. Financial Risk Management
- 26. Related Party Transactions
- 27. Contingencies
- 28. Commitments
- 29. Audit Fees
- 30. Overview of Consolidation Scope
- 31. Events After the Balance Sheet Date