Management Confirmations
With due regard to best practice provision 1.4.3 of the DCGC, we confirm that:
- This Annual Report provides sufficient insights into any failings in the effectiveness of the internal risk management and control systems, with regard to the risks as referred to in best practice provision 1.2.1 of the DCGC, as is further substantiated in Section 2 “Risk Factors” and Section 3 “Corporate Governance”.
- The risk- and control systems described herein, particularly in paragraph 3.9.5 “Financial Risks and Controls” provide reasonable assurance that the financial reporting does not contain any material inaccuracies;
- We confirm that we expect that our existing cash and cash equivalents and current financial assets will enable us to fund our operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements through at least the next 12 months. On the basis of the current state of affairs, it is justified that the financial reporting is prepared on a going concern basis; and
- This Annual Report, particularly Section 2 “Risk Factors” states the material risks, as referred to in best practice provision 1.2.1 and the uncertainties, to the extent that they are relevant to the expectation of our continuity for the period of 12 months after the preparation of this Annual Report. The aforementioned statement does not in any way limit the relevance or applicability of the Risk Factors set out in this Annual Report to the aforementioned period of 12 months.
Signed on behalf of argenx SE