Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

Conflict-of-Interest and Related Party Transactions

Directors must immediately report any (potential) direct or indirect personal interest in a matter that conflicts with the interests of the Company and the business connected with it to the chairperson of our Board of Directors and to the other directors.

The Non-Executive Directors will decide, without the director concerned being present, whether there is a conflict of interest. A director will not participate in any discussions and decision making if he or she has a conflict of interest in the matter being discussed. In case because of this no resolution can be adopted by the Executive Directors, the Non-Executive Directors will resolve on the matter. Decisions to enter into transactions in which there are conflicts of interest with directors that are of material significance to us or to the relevant director require the approval of the Non-Executive Directors.

Dutch law provides that transactions with related parties are material if they are (a) not entered into in the ordinary course of our business or (b) not concluded on normal market terms. The Board of Directors has established an internal procedure to periodically assess whether transactions are concluded in the ordinary course of business and on normal market terms. Material transactions must be made public by the Company at the time the transaction is entered into. Transactions with related parties are considered material if (i) information on the transaction qualifies as inside information under the MAR and (ii) such transaction is entered into with one or more holders of shares in the Company representing at least 10% of issued share capital, or a member of our Board of Directors. Transactions that are individually non-material, but which are entered into with the same related party during the same fiscal year, must be evaluated in the aggregate to determine if they are material.

There are no arrangements or understandings in place with major shareholders, customers, suppliers or others pursuant to which any member of our Board of Directors or Senior Management Team has been appointed. There are no conflicts of interests between the Company and any administrative, management and supervisory bodies and Senior Management Team, nor are there any potential conflicts of interests of the members of our Board of Directors and Senior Management Team between any duties to the Company and their private interests and or other duties.

In connection with our initial U.S. public offering, we entered into a related party transaction policy.