Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

Stories of our patients

We Hear Our Patients

Each day at argenx, we are motivated to pursue a better tomorrow alongside patients. We aim to do this through partnership because we know that "together we are better". As your ally, we pioneer innovations to advance the understanding of rare diseases; we want to deliver immunology treatments to patients worldwide.

Nicola’s story

“I think it's really important that people with MG are able to feel like they're still in control of their health.”

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Mary Beth’s story

“It’s so important to advocate for yourself and not compromise when it comes to your health.”

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Diana’s story

“It is important to listen to your body and take care of yourself. Also, realize that you are going to have bad days, but do not stay there because there will be better days.”

Crystal’s story

“Being a patient who's had CIDP for 10 years, I find that there are certain things that help me persevere. I believe that my drive and my stubbornness helped me. And I worked very hard to get to where I am now.”

Jack’s story

“You may not be able to physically conquer your disease, but you can mentally. I may still have physical challenges but I still live a happy and fulfilled life.”

Lynn’ story

“Do not focus on the why this is happening to you but moving forward… figure out how to live your life to the best of your ability. ”