Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

Other Considerations

In addition to the disclosure of material topics in our Sustainability Statement, we have included the following select voluntary disclosures. These are other topics that argenx chooses to disclose and are topics that have not been deemed material as part of our ESRS materiality assessment process.

Animal Welfare Policy

We have an Animal Welfare Policy that provides guidance and defines key principles (replace, reduce, and refine) aimed at promoting and safeguarding the welfare of animals used in research by or on behalf of argenx. The policy is assigned as a read and acknowledges requirements for all employees.

Employee Health and Safety

Although we do not have a formal workplace accident prevention policy, we have implemented processes to prevent work-related accidents. In our labs, we train and educate employees on safe chemical handling, waste management, and biosafety practices. In 2024, we reported no fatalities due to work-related injuries and one recordable work-related accident. We do not track or record cases of work-related ill health among employees or non-employees.

Employee Health and Safety

Metric description



Number of cases of recordable work-related ill health of employees


Not currently recorded nor recordable

Number of cases of recordable work-related ill health of non-employees


Not currently recorded nor recordable

Number of days lost to work-related injuries and fatalities from work-related accidents related to employees



Number of fatalities in own workforce as result of work-related injuries



Number of recordable work-related accidents for own workforce



Percentage of own workforce who are covered by health and safety management system based on legal requirements and (or) recognized standards or guidelines and which have been internally audited and (or) audited or certified by external party



Percentage of people in its own workforce who are covered by health and safety management system based on legal requirements and (or) recognized standards or guidelines



Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred Rate (DART)



Number of days lost to incidents causing permanent injury



Number of days lost to incidents causing temporary injury



Number of days lost due to injury (LTIR)



Number of incidents causing permanent injury



Number of incidents causing temporary injury



Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)

