Cross Reference table for annual reporting requirements
The following list of cross references identifies where each item required for us to disclose in our yearly financial report can be found in this Annual Report.
Source of Requirement |
Topic |
Location |
Article 2:391 DCC, RJ 400, RJ 405 |
Report on the Company’s activities |
Corporate structure |
Board of Directors report |
Primary risks and uncertainties |
Risk appetite & control |
Analysis of financial condition and results |
Information on research and development activities |
Forward looking paragraph |
Compensation statements and remuneration report |
RJ 430 |
Key figures, ratios etc. |
Article 2:392 DCC/RJ 410 |
Auditor’s opinion |
Articles of association on the distribution of profits |
Articles of Association on Profits, distributions and losses |
List of subsidiaries |
Decree on contents of board report (Besluit inhoud bestuursverslag) |
Corporate governance code comply-or-explain |
Main elements of financial management & control systems in connection with the company’s financial reporting |
Functioning of the general meeting |
Composition and functioning of the board of directors and its committees |
Article 10 Decree |
Capital structure |
Principal shareholders |
Particular shareholder rights and limitations thereof |
Procedure for appointment of board members |
Procedure for amending the articles of association |
Authority of the board of directors to issue or acquire shares |
Material arrangements, to which the company is a party, in relation to a public offer |